Sunday, February 03, 2008

It's been a long website in the works

Hey there...

WOW has it been a while since I last wrote a post! My apologies!

Well the new year (2008) is now in full swing with January over already! The holiday season went by pretty darn quickly if you ask me! Kept busy throughtout which was nice. I aslo got up to see the family in Smiths Falls this last year back at the November. Had a chance to utilize the trip for 6 lucky families who booked portraits for the time I was up visiting. (pix coming soon)

This years Wedding shows went very well. Great resoponse with lots of fantastic compliments. Thank you all for your kind words! There are still a few dates open this year. Contact me directly for more info.

Well this is a quick note to all letting you know that my blogging will commence with a vengance.

With plans of a new website in the next few months, my goal is to blog as much as poss - like every Sunday.

You may ask why change the website - as I've heard many times before that it's great, fantastic, yadda yadda yadda - but the truth of the matter is I have a means to the maddness. My goal is to be apart of The Wedding Photojournalist Association ( Being part of this association will help bring my photography to the next level I want to be.

Where does the website come into this - the new site will be more flash based than html, the content will be dramaticly be down sized with the focus on quality not quantity.

Expect the new site in a couple months!

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