Saturday, November 11, 2006

November 11th 2006

Remembrance Day; Least We Forget! Moment of silence....

k, lets get back to the photos at hand...
Next wedding I shot this year was on Sept 23rd and was in Amherstburg.

Steve and Tracey

Jen and Bernie, Sept 30th 2006 ...started out raining, but ended to a perfect sunset!

Urzsula and Jason, Oct 8th 2006 ...Thanksgiving gave many thanks, including GREAT weather!

Oct 14th was the day Brian and Lori said their vows...which I already posted photos a few weeks ago...right after their wedding actually, but I'll add one more...

Thanks again guys...

Oct 21st I had the pleasure to photograph Jeff and Stephanie's wedding.

Oct 28th saw Mr. Dave Hunter and Miss Nicole Lamphier... a great day turned out after the rain and wind...for which we all knew it would. Congrates to you both!

The last wedding I had for the season (till Dec) was a great couple from the Leamington area.
Abby and Kyle, Nov 4th 2006 The weather held on for the day and it turned out as good as it could've...sunny and around 10 degrees (mid 50's).

Congrates to you both as well, and all the bride and grooms that I had the pleasure to photography this year! Look for your photos on my website come the new year when I find the time to even think about adding to my site.
Ciao for now.

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