Sunday, October 15, 2006

October 15th 2006

Yesterday I shot my friends wedding - Brian and Lori Chadwick. Had a fantastic time photographing them and their wedding party. It's so nice to have that kind of rapport with your clients. I can really tell how relaxed everyone was while having a great time doing it! Long day as it turned out to be a good 14 hour day, but as I love what I do, so it's not really "work".

This was my second Lebanese wedding with a traditional band and belly dancer. Both were fantastic, again, and the entire day went off without a hiccup!

Here are some pix from yesterdays wedding - CONGRATES to you both, Brian and Lori...enjoy Tahiti!

Up next I will be showcasing my weddings from September...Dayna and Jay; Heather and Jason, Steve and Tracey and Bernie and Jen. Stay tuned!

1 comment: said...

Trevor, you are a very talented man!
Oh and please tell your in-laws that Jessie and Reggie say hello.
- Tara